Alexandre, 15, lives a violent existence alone with his father, rebelling against everyone and everything. To escape from this merciless everyday life, the young teenager rows on the Meuse river and has just one obsession: to win the Belgium championships. Sergi, his coach and Murielle, the young girl he loves, show him how to rediscover the human values he had lost...
Directed by: Bernard Bellefroid (France / Belgium / Luxembourg, 2008)
With Joffrey Verbruggen (Alexandre), Thierry Hancisse (Thierry), Sergi Lopez (Sergi), Pénélope Lévêque (Murielle), David Murgia (Pablo), Hervé Sogne (Franco), Stéphanie Blanchoud (Laëtitia)
Genre: drama
Awards: Audience and Youth Prizes (Namur, 2009), Audience Prize (Angers, 2010), Best Promising Male Actor (Magritte, 2011).
Parental guidance: TV-PG
Directed by: Bernard Bellefroid (France / Belgium / Luxembourg, 2008)
With Joffrey Verbruggen (Alexandre), Thierry Hancisse (Thierry), Sergi Lopez (Sergi), Pénélope Lévêque (Murielle), David Murgia (Pablo), Hervé Sogne (Franco), Stéphanie Blanchoud (Laëtitia)
Genre: drama
Awards: Audience and Youth Prizes (Namur, 2009), Audience Prize (Angers, 2010), Best Promising Male Actor (Magritte, 2011).
Parental guidance: TV-PG
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- Émission de Télé
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