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Lolita Jolie - Bonjour Madame (CLAWZ Bootleg)

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Woah, a French bootleg! I really loved the overall vibe and melody of the song (even tho the lyrics are pretty weird to me xD) so I decided to make a remix of it, hope you guys will enjoy it as much as I do! :3

FREE DOWNLOAD: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1euLEZqz_eNdVi00eFhx-U8j9gmz--HN3 (2 different versions: one is the same as the video, and the other one has the same pitch as the original song, which is better if you want to nightcore it for example)

Image Link: https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=68401521

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➤ Official Website: http://www.lolita-music.tv/
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(Original Song)
➤ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9s9f...
➤ Amazon: http://tinyurl.com/oye2zrw
➤ Itunes: http://tinyurl.com/lyb6pvn

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