Learn French - lesson - vocabulary - colours colors english translation subtitles Apprendre francais - lecon - vocabulair...
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French Lesson 11 - L'heure (Clock - Hours - Tell Time In French) Decir La Hora Clases De Frances
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FRENCH QUIZ 3 - TEST Colors Vocabulary Masculine Feminine Plural Colours Les couleurs
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French Lesson 234 - 100 Most common verbs in French PART 4 Most used basic French words for kids
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French Lesson 236 - 100 Most common verbs in French PART 6 Most used basic French words for kids
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French Lesson 1 - Learn French Alphabet - Alphabet Français Alfabeto Cursos Clases De Frances
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French Lesson 2 - Colors in French Colours Vocabulary Masculine Feminine Pronunciation Les couleurs
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French Lesson 232 - 100 Most common verbs in French PART 2 Most used basic French words for kids
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